Candidates for Board Election

Boris Hinzer

Nomination for: Board

About me: I am Boris, and I am active in the TYPO3 community for more than 10 years now. I think the first sprint I attended was the relaunch of the old website.
Since then I've been working in various teams like the Editorial Team, Marketing Team and about 7 years now in the TYPO3 Education Committee.

During the past years, during my involvement in TYPO3, not everything went as smoothly as I would have wished. Maybe it's a good idea to share them with you now:

TYPO3 related things I f***** up

  • responsive Relaunch (back in 2016)
  • Lead of the former Editorial Team
  • Co-Lead of the TYPO3 Trainer Network (overcommitted me)

TYPO3 related things which went pretty well (at least from my point of view):

  • TYPO3 Merchandising Shop
  • TYPO3 Agency Meetup Days
  • The latest, updated version of the TCCC book
  • Education Committee work in general
  • CertiFUNcation 

My motivation: During the last three to four years we made huge steps to get TYPO3 on a more professional level by founding the TYPO3 GmbH. In my opinion, this was the right step at the right time and TYPO3 profits a lot of the new company. 

At the moment I see, that we still need to balance out the things, services and developments we either see at the TYPO3 GmbH, at the TYPO3 Association or being done as voluntary work. We still need to keep the spirit being an Open Source project to get more people involved. We have to make sure, that we don't overstress the people of the TYPO3 GmbH on one hand with more and more tasks arising, but also need to foster people to contribute to the TYPO3 project in their spare time.

Also keeping people contributing continuously and getting new people contributing to TYPO3 seems for me a challenge we need to solve.
Therefore I would like to make this happen as being part of the TYPO3 Association Board over the next two years.

If you have any questions, please use the commenting section below.